
Work together
limitless, effortless

Edit Office documents together in real time and define access rights

SecureWork brings teams together
and increases productivity

The boost for your productivity
Work together and simultaneously on presentations, calculations and text documents.
Compatible with Office
Work on Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents without limitations!
Rights management made easy
You decide who is allowed to work on which file! Customizable at any time.
Ready for
New Work
Across departmental, company or national borders:
Only you set the limit!

Over 6,000 customers trust SecureCloud


A central workspace

The solution for small and large companies, remote work and more!

Congratulations! You win
the championship in sync-working!

Whether your teams work at different tables, on different floors or across continents: With SecureWork, they all come together in one place!

Simultaneously edit Word, Excel, or PowerPoint files in teams. SecureWork automatically keeps all files up to date.

Productivity leap:
Anyone can be a high performer

Together, we can all do more! And if we get involved at the same time, even in less time!

If necessary, work in Office files with other team members at the same time. Change texts, calculations or simply leave comments on construction sites that others should take care of.

And of course, you can bring in new team members or withdraw permissions at any time.

Office on board

Work on Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files as a team or alone

‍‍for all Office-tasks

Compatible with your work reality: SecureWork's online workspace allows you to edit all Office files without restrictions — either simultaneously with several colleagues in a document or by yourself.

Since the data is stored in the SecureCloud, it is always up to date on all devices and for all participants.

Try SecureCloud today

14 days free of charge and without obligation!


Permission management

Simply grant, change or withdraw access: You are in control!

Precisely determine
rights and access across the board

As with every feature of SecureCloud, SecureWork focuses on usability and security. That's why you can change access rights for Office documents or entire folders at any time with just a few clicks.

For example, you decide that only the marketing team can process marketing materials. However, the sales team should be able see them and download certain documents.

You alone decide who is allowed to do what and if something needs to change, it can be adjusted in seconds.

Maximum protection
for your documents

  • Like all files in SecureCloud, your Office documents are encrypted with AES 256 bit.

  • In addition, you can set access restrictions at the file or folder level, such as whitelists or blacklists, opening restrictions, read-only access, download restrictions, watermarks, or automatic time-outs.

  • Links to shared documents can be deactivated at any time, and you can always change or withdraw permissions.

Audit log is your time machine
for GDPR compliance

Thanks to the audit log feature, administrators can track all changes to files and folders.

In the System Administration section, you will find an overview of the operating and access logs.

“SecureCloud saves us hours of work every month!”
Johannes Port - Founder PORTFORMANCE GmbH

SecureCloud helps to streamline previously analog processes with time-saving, legally compliant and digital signatures, freeing up valuable resources for customer acquisition.



Decide who can see, edit and share at any time

Compatible with Office
Edit Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and more!
EU DSGVO compliant
Data protection at the highest level.
Remote Ready
Work across teams and countries!
Audit Log
Track changes to files and folders.
Always synchronized
Across all devices.
Granular rights-managment
User roles and sharing permissions at folder and file level.
by design & by default.

Try SecureCloud today

14 days free of charge and without obligation!

Data-based in Germany

Data centers and company headquarters in Germany
Our promise: #nobackdoor

Elevating business.